What to Expect When Having New Flooring Installed - Guest Post

Updating your home takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. Not only will you be happy with the results, but it also helps improve the value of your home should you decide to sell at some point. One of the most daunting changes is updating the floor, but do not fret, the following are a few things to keep in mind when installing a new floor.Updating your home takes time and effort, but it is worth it in the end. Not only will you be happy with the results, but it also helps improve the value of your home should you decide to sell at some point. One of the most daunting changes is updating the floor, but do not fret, the following are a few things to keep in mind when installing a new floor.

Basement Renovations Toronto: Getting the Most Out of Your Reno Project

Basement Renovations Toronto: Getting the Most Out of Your Reno Project

What is your basement doing for your house? Many homeowners can become dissatisfied that they’re living space is too small while neglecting that their basement is used mainly to store old couches and boxes. When you are sitting an unfinished basement, you have the opportunity to create more value per square feet in your house by starting a new home basement renovation project.

10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Decorator

Interior decorators, when working together with an experienced Toronto home renovation expert ,can really help you turn your house into a home.  Here are 10 reasons why you should hire a professional decorator for your next renovation project. A decorator can help with every aspect of the renovation no matter the size. Of course, if it’s a small project the meeting time will be considerably shorter opposed to a larger scale home renovation.


Painting Your Home: The Importance of a Room's Colour

You may recall your first box of crayons – that small box with only 6 - 8 colours.  Even though the world is filled with a myriad of colours, they can often be grouped into Primary Colours – Blue, Red, Yellow and Secondary Colours – Green, Purple, Orange.  Each colour has its own distinct energy or mood. When renovating the rooms your Toronto home, it’s worth exploring the palette of colours at your disposal.

Exterior Home Renovation: What siding option suits your Toronto Home?

Exterior Home Renovation: What siding option suits your Toronto Home?

It can be an intimidating task when it comes time to upgrade or replace your homes’ exterior siding.  We at Bryant Renovations usually encounter siding issues when we put an addition on a home.  In Toronto, it’s common to have an existing aged brick exterior.  Sometimes there is another brick that will be appropriate but other times because we cannot usually get a match another complementary siding option will be more pleasing.  The choices are seemingly endless; in this blog we’ll explore some of the most popular siding options.